Software for statistics, HUD - converter anonymous (regular) tables.
This poker software display statistics, HUD at regular (anonymous) tables.
Requires any tracker (HM2 or PT4 or H2N, etc.), .Net Framework 4.
It may not work if you use interface modifiers.
The program replaces anonymous nicknames (player1, player2) for real ones in the hand history.
Download trial:
Skype ant0hind
After updating on June 17, 2019 the software does not work yet.
Video (turn on subtitles) :
Cost - $20 per month by subscription, 3 months $50, year $150, lifetime license $400.
Payment Methods:
1. Skrill
2. Neteller
Then send license file and tell me via skype ant0hind. And I will give you a version for the appropriate time.
If something does not work.
This software uses Optical Character Recognition (OCR) to read real nicknames.
Click the "OCR debug" and check the recognition of nicknames, the read names are written in red above the names.
If names are not read, check scale display settings - example in the picture below. It must be 100%, otherwise the program will not work.

If you use interface modifiers, such as PartyCaption, that change the font or positions of nicknames, this may be the reason, try to disable the modifier.
If the names are read, but there are errors, it is often wrong name in HUD, which differs by several characters - check that the dealer messages in the chat are not disabled (the chat may not be visible, it does not affect).

If names are read, but the hand history is not converted at all:
Check if the original hand history appears in the folder from the first field and if the converted hand history appears in the folder from the second field.
If yes, then check the auto-import tracker settings, there must be only a folder from the second field, not the first one.
If not, then probably you didn’t specify the folders correctly.
If nothing helped, click the log, play a couple of minutes and send me a log file